
A model represents the data that the user can interact with. For example, the initial states of a user and goat model can look like this:

const initialUser = {
  name: '',
  email: '',

const initialGoat = {
  color: '',
  breed: '',

Models in stores

To set up your app's models for RRF, it's recommended to use combineForms(), which takes in the initial state (or custom reducers) of all your models:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { combineForms } from 'react-redux-form';

const store = createStore(combineForms({
  user: initialUser,
  goat: initialGoat,

export default store;

This works similar to combineReducers() in redux, and will create a single reducer() that converts each key/value pair in the object given to combineForms() into a modelReducer(), and also set up a single formReducer() under the 'forms' key.

Note: Since combineForms() returns a single reducer() function, this can be nested however deep if you are already using combineReducers(). To nest it deep, you must specify where the deep combineForms() reducer will live as a model string in the second argument to combineForms(forms, model):

const store = createStore(combineReducers({
  foo: fooReducer,
  bar: barReducer,
  deep: combineForms({
    user: initialUser,
    goat: initialGoat,
  }, 'deep'), // <== specify the deep model path here

Updating Models

Internally, the modelReducer() uses the model path to know which part of the state should be updated.

For example, given this state:

const state = {
  user: {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    phones: [
      { number: '5551234567', type: 'home' },
      { number: '5559876543', type: 'work' }

A value from this object is retrieved with the path 'user.firstName' and a value inside an array is retrieved with 'user.phones[1]'. You can retrieve deep values as well, e.g. 'user.phones[1].number'.

For example, to update the second phone number's type, you can dispatch a change to its model path:

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';

// wherever dispatch() is available
dispatch(actions.change('user.phones[1].type', 'mobile'))

Using existing reducers

If you provide a custom reducer for a model's value inside combineForms(), that reducer will automatically be wrapped (decorated) using modeled(). The modeled() reducer will then be able to respond to model changes in React Redux Form. Here's an example:

// ...
import myCustomReducer from './myCustomReducer.js';

const store = createStore(combineForms({
  user: initialUser,
  goat: initialGoat,
  custom: myCustomReducer, // <= will be modeled()
// ...

You will then be able to pass your custom reducer's own actions and have it respond appropriately, and you will also be able to use RRF's actions to update the same model.

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